Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Line Ups

Now that I am [more] rested, I thought you would enjoy reading about line-ups and what this lottery system is all about.

This weekend was the Miss California group selection process. This means that through a lottery system we are able to pick our own position in a group. There are four groups- Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta- and there are 14 spots available in each group.

I wanted to be in the Delta group because of the nights I get to do certain competitions and the day of my interview. The way Miss California organized the lottery system was by classifying talents so that we have a well balanced show while still allowing girls to choose their spots. (We wouldn’t want 12 opera singers picking the same night.) I was classified as “other” because I am a musician. There were 3 categories: Dance, Vocal, and Other. The “other” category included monologues, gymnastics, instruments, and other exotic routines like aerial acrobatics. I am very satisfied with my selection of Delta 3, and I have a wonderful journey to look forward to!

Delta Group

Tuesday (Morning)
On Stage Question
Evening Wear

Sat- 7/03

Sunday- 7/04


Monday- 7/05


Tuesday- 7/06


Tuesday- 7/06
On Stage Question
Weds- 7/07
On Stage Question
Thurs- 7/08
On Stage Question
Friday- 7/09
On Stage Question

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Takin Care of Business.... :)

For those who know the feeling of walking into a room full of girls who can know what you are thinking without having to say a word... welcome. This is my order of business: Today felt like one of the longest pageant days I have ever experienced. Yes, I know what I just said and I don't take that lightly either. I don't know if it was the hot weather, or the fact that I went to bed late again, or that I'm combining trying to associate dozens upon dozens of names, titles, talents, and faces while trying to remember the choreography for the production numbers or the fact that I have no voice (true story, I lost my voice completely, if I am blessed enough to be able to showcase it at Miss California; well, all I can say is... enjoy! :-)  
  With Morgan Mulholand and Ebony Taylor during Production Rehearsal
I woke up early this morning. REALLY early. Astonishingly all 4 of us overslept slightly to our buzzing alarms. But I managed to roll out of bed (today was less graceful and I don’t think I could muster up the strength to smile for the first few minutes) and started preparing for the day’s events. Naturally, I got to bed at an atrocious hour thinking of all the excitement to come. In my best British accent I pleasantly wake up Lana “Top o’ tha monang toa yao Lana Baybaay. Would yao like a spot o tae?” We are exceedingly WAY too amused by using British accents so we have been British (Bret-ash) all weekend. For some reason something told me that her tiny little hand with phone still in full grip pressed against her cheek meant she was thinking about getting up before she slipped back into dream land. Breakfast was at 7:15 and we had to be out of our hotel rooms before breakfast. (sigh) It constituted an early morning and a lot of willpower to not continuously hit my chiming snooze button, but once I settled my luggage situation I realized that today was my last chance to talk to everyone and absorb as much advice as possible from the “experts” before I would take my sabbatical until July. Although it was bright and early this morning we met our fabulous co-producer Rob. We learned our 5 minute opening production number in 2 minutes and then repeated it around 72 times and we were released to the Contestant General Session. Kristy Cavinder, Miss California talked about what to expect and suggestions for this year’s competition.   
With Bob Arnhym, the President and CEO of Miss California  
And then it happened. Very nonchalantly Kristy mentions, “take a minute to look around this room and realize that in 2 months one of you in this room will become Miss California.” (It’s actually 68 days but who’s counting?) It all became very real. I smiled from inside out thinking about the situation. It is win win for me. I have 55 other miraculous potentials to choose from- and I can confidently say that I would be proud of any one of them if they were to represent California at Miss America. Kristy acknowledges that each of us is thinking, “Do I have what it takes? Could I do this?” Hmm. How odd. You read my mind. Whether I obtain my goal of becoming or Miss California or not, WOW, I will have another friend who could potentially be our future Miss America.
"Donna's Divas"
After rehearsal we took our Donna’s Divas picture for the program book out on the back patio. “My group” had a poolside lunch in the warm shade. And a special thank you to my ED Joyce for getting me subway! You’re the greatest! But you already know that… :) We enviously watched a few of the adorable princesses splish-splash in the afternoon sun in the pool as their shrills of delight filled the courtyard. I would like to take a moment to provide a VERY special thank you to my AMAZING Executive Director, Joyce Patereau, for loving me, supporting me, and doing everything in her power to make sure I not only have a fun, memorable experience, but for being so selfless and willing to bend over backwards to ensure that I go into this competition at my best. I firmly believe that I am the luckiest girl in the state of California this year to have such a great ED. 
 Donna and one of her "Divas"
  With Tiffany Tam, Felicia Alvarez, and Lana Brewster
It was back to rehearsals after lunch to run through the production number we learned last week (oh wait, was that last night??). Finally, I seemed to come to an understanding of the choreography and before I even knew what was happening our producer said, “Okay, great job! We will see you in July!” Clapping filled the room and I instantly regretted feeling tired. I wasn’t ready! I needed more time to chat and learn about my fellow contestants! Albeit exhausted, I realized how much I really enjoyed the company. I am grateful that I am left with a taste in my mouth to want more.
Our “we survived orientation” picture.
(L-R) Lindsay Becker, Lana Brewster, Sara Risvold, Me, (bottom) Marissa Santana, Felicia Alvarez
(I adore each and every one of these girls beyond imagination)
I walked out with Lana and Lindsay and we were a little taken back by the heat outside (we had been inside the hotel all weekend) It was a bittersweet moment. I wanted to crawl into my nice warm cuddly bed with my feisty kitty waiting for me and get lost in my down comforter and FOX news, but at the same time I didn’t want to let Lana go! I squeezed her over and over and finally departed with a cheerful, “Have a jollay good drive.” Lindsay and I piled into her car and were off to Modesto. 10 minutes later after getting lost, we were off to Modesto again! We laughed and chatted the whole time. I was depressed when my exit came up. I didn’t want to get out of Lindsay’s car. I just wanted to listen to her stories all day- I was so intrigued and caught up in our conversation. I just wanted to go home with her and keep her!
Our failed attempt at eating skittles on the way home. Fresno is hot! Sorry Lindsay! hahahaha!
Memories for a lifetime.
I crawled into bed after a delicious BBQ dinner and I am falling asleep as I type, so until next time! Peace and love,
Jenna Michelle

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Orientation Day 1

We made it through!....... well, half of the day. And when I woke up this morning, the first thing I thought was Happy Lottery Day! Although my alarm somehow started buzzing way too early (I was certain it owed me at least another hour), and the sun skipped ahead way too fast, and naturally I managed to fall asleep at an unearthly hour... I knew today was going to be a great day. I stumble out of bed with a smile reaching for the light mumbling something about waking up to those still sleeping and sit down in my nice organized corner. I can only stare for a few moments at the work that I'm going to have to find the energy to finish in the next hour. Do I reallllly need to curl my hair? Do I reallllllly need to put make-upon? Do I realllllllly need to get my clothes ready for tonight’s dinner and rehearsal right now? Fortunately, I made wise decisions and answered yes to all of the above. Fast forward an hour to 7:15 AM where I'm greeting old friends, meeting new ones, and stuffing a bran muffin into my mouth before we are herded off to our "Welcome Meeting".

As I've mentioned before Miss California has a NEW system for assigning our line-ups: a lottery! Russ cheerfully holds up the “drawing” bag with numbers to pick from. Before he could blink my hand is digging through all those little folded papers shuffling around trying to find the “magic” number I was hoping for. “GAH!” I heave my arm back to my body- my hand is empty. I grab Lana’s arm and squeeze my eyes closed. “I can’t do it,” I say. Half of me knows that I don’t want that moment to arrive because that means my Miss California experience is that much over already but the other half just wants to draw a "low" number. We have been waiting for this morning to arrive and by collecting one of those lottery numbers means that there is no turning back. Lana is all smiles. Seven. 7 of 56?? Darn it, I should have gone. She gives me the push to pick my fate… “Please don’t be high, please don’t be high…” I feel like I am on Deal or No Deal… trying to find that suitcase with the magic number. Twenty-six. I’m perfectly content with twenty-six. I strategically itemized my 13 options by preference before arriving in Fresno so when my (5 minute maximum) time slot was called I could simply go down the list and cross off the ones that had already been selected.
Happy Day! With Team Solano: Miss Solano, Sarah Portugal and Gabino Lopez the Miss Solano County ED
Bob Arnhym introduced what to expect this weekend, introduced the state staff, and touched up on key changes that we should expect for this year’s show and provided us a very thoughtful explanation of why things are different. Flexibility is one of the principal characteristics needed to succeed in this program, and in life as well, and we get to exercise that first hand this weekend! My cheeks began to hurt from being so happy and excited… I met so many new friends and caught up with old friends as well as volunteers that I haven’t seen in quite some time.

The lottery began at 10 AM and as my top slots abruptly started to fill up, I said, “I have to get out of here, my blood pressure is getting way too high.” I came back when it was my time slot and one of my “top tier” spots was left. Joyce stood with me as we squeezed hands as the few girls before me began to choose their slots. So when they called out, “GAVILAN HILLS?” and “my spot” was still open at full volume I blurted out, “DELTA 3!!!!!” And there my name went up on the Miss California board. Ready or not, here we come.
My winning "lottery" spot: #3 Delta!

For some reason jumping up and down is what seemed appropriate and I just couldn’t stop hugging Joyce. What a great start of a year. Not only do I have the worlds most amazing and talented and gifted Executive Director but things are simply going how I dreamed they should. Joyce and I finalized my wardrobe before I got to orientation (hooray for filling out ALL hostess forms before arriving including my "wardrobe" checklist) and we fortunately are in LOVE with every single outfit of mine. It's so refreshing to know that I have a support system who knows what I like and gives me the confidence and guidance to improve myself.

My smile beamed from ear to ear for the next 30 minutes until my cheekbones started hurting even worse. It was back to reality and the fact that I needed to attend “Issues” with Bob. I headed to Ballroom B where I was greeted by debates of immigration reform, legalizing marijuana, capital punishment, underage drinking, prison reform, University tuition increases, abortion, the health care bill, and other current event stories. I walked out feeling smarter. :) I joined my friends on the patio for a lunch on the perfect sunny afternoon.

From left to right: Arianna, Millie, Sarah, me, Marina, Lana, Lindsay
My "roomies" and I about to bask in the sun while enjoying our lunch
5:00 PM **I’m actually adding this in later (it’s almost dinner time now and I'm relaxing before I change) but here is a little glimpse of what my day was like:

With my favorite Stainer girls! A Ruth and Monica Sandwich. Clearly beaming.
Registration and lottery drawing- 7:15 AM
Breakfast- until 8 AM
Miss California Welcome- 8:00 AM
Lottery line up- 10:00 AM
Hostess Form Check
Paperwork Check
Somewhere in here I snuck into the “Miss CA Merchandise” Room
Talent Check- 11:20 AM
“Issues” forum
“Issues” forum
Audio Recording for top 12 talent- 1:45
Movement/ walking workshop- 2-3 PM
Makeup workshop- 3-4 PM
Issues 4-4:15
Mock interview- 4:22
Issues until 4:45
Dinner 6-7:45
Production Rehearsal 8-10 PM

Movement workshop with Donna
11:45 PM: We had a fabulous dinner at the hotel in the Grand Ballroom where Kristy Cavinder (Miss California) made a short slide show of her sponsors from this year, there was a raffle of evening gowns, and we took a group photo outside on the patio. I am so impressed with our “class of 2010.” Words can’t even describe how much beauty, intelligence, and talent I was surrounded by all day. A girl would walk past me: wow, she’s beautiful. I mean, really stop you in your tracks beautiful. She gives a friendly smile and hello. Well spoken. Articulate. Another girl walks past me and it’s the same story over and over. We have some really interesting talents, too! Aerial acrobatics, fire poi, dances of all kinds (Tahitian, tap, Irish, ballet, gymnastics, jazz…) singers, musicians, (piano, violin, flute, etc) and even a comedic monologue. Our time was cut short at dinner as we had to get ready for production rehearsals. Imagine clearing out 56 camera happy/ I-got-dressed-up-and-I-want-to-document-this girls... there is a 1st warning, then a 2nd, then a "get your butt changed NOW. GO." warning. We learned our evening wear production number and walking pattern tonight.

My AMAZING roommate Cori!
Who will the next Miss California be?
I think by the time we started learning the dance routines at 8 PM (SHARP!), we were all so tired and delirious we had a serious case of “the giggles.” I wish I could capture just a glimpse of the camaraderie among all of the contestants and genuine friendships being formed. Girls were laughing and high-fiving each other and dancing and chatting about everything we did that day. Some were in the corner reminding the others the moves that come next while others talked about school, family, work and their “lives back at home.” Needless to say, everyone indisputably wants to see her fellow contestants succeed and from what I have seen every girl has taken opportunities to help someone else however she can. Our evening wear production is going to be fabulous. I don’t want to ruin the surprise, so you have to come watch Miss CA to find out how remarkable this year’s show is going to be! I will give you a little hint though: the theme is “Broadway.” Think big.

At production rehearsal
Breakfast is at 7:30 AM. We have to be packed and move our stuff out of the room before then, so it is OFF TO BED! Tomorrow we are learning our Opening Production and walking patterns for swimsuit... let's hope I remember everything we learned today! Goodnight and God bless,

My love as always,
Jenna Michelle

Orientation Eve!

Alas! We're here!

Tonight Lindsay picked me up at the 99 freeway exit by my house and we were on our way to Fresno. We had such a fun time together laughing and reminiscing of all our fun memories. I asked her, “what are you most excited about, and what are you nervous about?” and she gave me one of the best answers I think I have ever heard. She said that she was just excited to be here and to have this opportunity. What a beautiful thing to say! She is right in every way- all that we need to remind ourselves of, is that we are the lucky few who made it this far, so enjoy our time together, seize every opportunity, and love this time because it goes by way too quickly. It doesn't matter that our closets are small, or our drawer space is limited, or other trivial things- what matters is that we are HERE. I'm HERE! I MADE IT! I literally jumped up and down on our bed when we came in. Shhh! Don't tell the front desk. At least this little monkey did not fall off and bonk her head. We were like excited 6 year olds the night before going to Disneyland dreaming of all the exciting events coming up. Lindsay is one of the kindest, sweetest, most genuinely full-of-life, and gracious girls I possibly may have ever met. It was a privilege to ride with her to our way down to our dream weekend.
Salad, anyone? None of us knew exactly how to tackle this thing.

We were starving by the time we got to Fresno, so we joined Marisa Santana and Lana Brewster on an "adventure" to Marie Calendars. I say an "adventure" because I wanted to be spontaneous and didn't want to stop at the front desk to ask where to go. So we took a right turn out of the parking lot and ended up 20 minutes later at Marie Calendars... only to discover it was 5 minutes on the way home. But you know what? Those are the trips that make the best kinds of memories as far as I'm concerned. It's only been a few hours and I feel like I've already found new soul sisters. When we spilled out of Lindsay's Acura into the warm nighttime Fresno air, our tummy's were not only hungry, but aching from laughing so hard the whole time.

Enjoying a delicious dinner at Marie Calendars with Lindsay Becker Miss Bay Area (Left), Marisa Santana Miss South Bay (top right), and Lana Brewster Miss Northwest CA (Right)
When we got back we went down to Mary and Joyce's room to preview some of Marina's potential wardrobe selections... it's a secret but I can vouche, it's all fabulous. After so many hugs and smiles, it's off to bed for me! I'm trying to attack these little keys lightly so I don't disturb my roommates, Lana Brewster, Marina Inserra, and Sara Risvold. I sit here, knowing every reason I need to go to bed, but just so grateful and excited that my brain doesn't want to slow down. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers to have a successful and productive day tomorrow!

As always with love,

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Orientation Dreaming

Remembering fun memorable days keeps me motivated!

I have had a sore throat and a touch of a cold this week, so I’ve been trying to keep up on my Vitamin C intake and getting plenty of rest while running last minute errands. I am meeting Lindsay Becker off of the 99 to start our journey to Fres-yes. We have a jam-packed day Saturday- walking/ movement workshops, we will do our talent run through, attend current events/issues forum with Bob Arnhym, record our talent introductions, have a make-up lesson with Linda Ontiveros, and lunch in the meantime, as well as a dinner and then production rehearsal after dinner. On Sunday, we will take our “Field” pictures for the program book and then have more rehearsals following. We will be done on Sunday around 3:30 PM and I will be on my way back with Lindsay. Today was somewhat low-key, I ate a delicious chicken burger and a salad at Burgers and Brew, finalized my packing list for this weekend, and began organizing my things so that I have a jump start on packing. Fresno may only be a 3 day trip… but you would be surprised at the things we have to take in order to be prepared!!

Today was a rush of emotions. I can only use the expression that I have heard before- I am 99% excited and 1% terrified. I hope to find friendly faces among the crowd. I hope to focus so I can remember those darn dance routines. I hope to laugh and create lifelong memories and friends, but most of all, I hope to have FUN! We will finally learn our placements and show orders, what our production number songs will be, what to wear, what events will take place during pageant week, and who our roommates will be. I’m very, VERY fortunate this year as I have the coolest, prettiest, funniest, most full of life and down-to-earth roommate on planet earth- Cori Coleman, Miss Southland. Last year, I fell in love with her lovable welcoming personality; saying that I am ecstatic that we are now roommates is an understatement. Every year my experience gets better and somehow when I start out, I don’t think it will ever be able to be topped… but this year might do just that.

Serious preparation and tough competition are twin realities behind the glamor of Miss California. From the audience, people might see well-proportioned bodies and pretty smiles, but we know backstage that it’s really a matter of hard work, preparation, and an enthusiasm to listen to advice. We all need help when we start our journey to Miss California, I know I owe much of my success last year to the guidance and tips from those around me. This year, as I embark on my journey, I am finding that sometimes, the truth hurts; but a willingness to learn and improve are two things I consider to be the hallmarks of growth. It doesn’t matter what people advise me to do, because I am so incredibly thankful to even be one of the very blessed few to have been selected for the Miss California class of 2010. My best advice to myself and my fellow sisters is to remember to keep your eyes forward not to the sides. Take pride in our accomplishments while coming into “pageant week” with an open heart and mind- leaving the rest in the hands of the Lord and knowing that what was meant to be will happen.

Something VERY exciting is happening soon, as well! I will be teaming up with local Kiwani’s and high school Key Clubs to be putting on another round of 30 Ways in 30 Days Challenge. This is a 30 day challenge of helping 30 times in one month. Day 30 showcases “Get Up, Stand Up,” a documentary that summarizes the impact that the volunteers made in the last 30 days and incorporates ways to get involved in international relief organizations as well. I knew from a young age that I had an ability to make people feel valuable- and my Miss California home is a great place to start. So my hope is to bring excitement to the idea of volunteering. I thank my judges, my committee, my family, and my friends for giving me this opportunity.

*Do not let someone else's opinion of you change who you are* - I don't know who originally said this, but I quote it from my friend Kari Gai Miss Missouri's Sweetheart

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Workshop 2010

The workshop had a HUGE turnout and I met even more friends, and caught up with my old ones. I was mad at myself because my camera battery died the night before and I forgot my charger, so unfortunately I did not take any pictures. But at least I have memories that will last for a lifetime.

We arrived at 8:30 to a delicious brunch, and a group of smiling volunteers. Donna Jones our beautiful Field Director introduced what to expect during the day and gave some wonderful advice on what to expect at Miss California. It was really fun to look around to see eager eyes anticipating and day dreaming about how this experience will change our lives. My dear friend Laura Johnston, who is the Miss San Jose Executive Director, gave a presentation entitled “Countdown to the Crown” which included everything you could possibly want to know to show up in Fresno best prepared, what to expect at orientation as well as during pageant week. I am slightly envious of the “first timers”- there is something so special and enchanting about awaiting the experience; however, at the same time I am grateful to know what I need to do. This year will not be accompanied by a tearful fear filled did-I-forget-something departure, clothes limply spilling out of my dresser, hair and make-up products scattered over the floor, as a sit on my suitcase trying to get it to close... not that that ever happened to me... but instead this year I will be packed a few days before I leave and my "departure day" will be a calm throw-the-bags-in-the-car and relax on our way down. Much of my lunch and free time was spent answering questions from a few girls who wanted to know what I suggested to pack, what to wear, what to do before and during the arrival, etc. I am always glad to share whatever it is I know as I wished I had more girls who had already lived this experience to tell me what to expect my first year.

Michelle Symes from the Miss Merced Pageant gave us a great presentation on interview training with a hysterical, but very true anecdote, on generational differences and how we need to take them into consideration when prepping. Then... "dun dun duun" the dreaded on stage question practice. I will be the first to admit there is nothing more terrifying than standing in front of your peers answering a question that you have no idea what is coming, while sounding articulate, not over the top, and approachable. At that moment I almost begged for a panel of seven strangers or an audience of 7,000. The friendly beautiful faces stared right up at me, and there I was nervous as could be. Everyone did a fantastic job and let me tell you- if you can get through answering a question in front of this crowd, you will be just fine in any other area or with any other audience. I was a very proud sister watching all of my Miss Cali sisters stand up in front of that room with confidence and answer tough questions.

Linda Ontiveros, who is the official Miss California make-up artist, came and gave a make-up training. Her philosophy that make-up really is like a science AND an art is very true. You wouldn’t even begin to know what we have to remember to put make-up on!! Finally, our beautiful Miss California 2008, Jackie Geist, came and helped us with swimsuit and evening gown walk. After the several hours (that I didn’t want to end) ended we walked over to Mary McCaman’s house where she had a feast that was enough for an army. Tubs of Chinese-chicken salad, build-it-yourself sandwich platters, fruit platters, veggie platters, meatballs, rolls, vegetarian options, cookies, desserts, and much more- no one went home hungry and if they did it was their own fault! Contestants browsed her closet for gowns, interview outfits, shoes, jewelry, and swimsuits and others watched Miss America interview DVD’s.

I couldn't help but to take a silent moment to myself when I walked into Mary's living room and smile as I looked around and saw girls scattered across the house- a few in "the closet" with their mom's or ED's, a few curled up Indian-sytle on the soft carpet pressing their ears into the television listening to the 2010 Miss America Interview DVD, many laughing in unison outside on Mary's back patio in the sunshine, and other groups scattered around the yard basking in the rays on the grass giggling with fellow contestants. What a special time. It was a moment that I didn't want to end, as I listened to the laughter and shrills of joy from girls as they conversed and learned more about each others lives. I am pretty confident that this was one of the most productive events of the year for me and now… the countdown has begun. Miss California 2010 Pageant… here we come!

I’m driving in the sunset back to Modesto singing Michael Buble like a broken record and I realize that I just need to hear one of my Sweetheart sister’s voice. I call Miss Louisiana’s Sweetheart, Hope Anderson (this means she was 1st runner up to Miss Louisiana) as I drive under an exceptionally low flying 747 at the San Jose airport. I had almost 2 hours to kill before I got home, so I knew she could keep me entertained for a portion of it. I told her about my competition gown and how it had finally been hemmed, the dress that she found and made me come try on at Gregory Ellenburg’s at the Miss America tradeshow. The dress that fit me like it was designed for me- the dress that is now my competition gown this July at Miss California. I beam with pride every time I tell the story of how we were “window-shopping” giggling as we tried on dresses we never could afford, reminiscing about our wonderful time the night before dancing to the water show in front of the Belagio, people watching at the hotel and eating an Italian dinner, and cramming all of the sweethearts into one of Hope’s beds in her hotel room to watch the Miss America Behind the Scenes as we screeched with joy when “our state” came on the screen, and all of our great memories together from the Sweetheart competition, bumping into familiar Sweetheart faces in the crowd. And then, a beam of light broke through the sky and Hope came up to me, her million watt smile engaged, with this beautiful gown draped across her arms. She held her arms up, the dress gracefully draping to the floor, with those 5 year old “mommy-can-I-keep-it-eyes” and tells me to try it on. I check the price tag and politely say, “Really?” But I oblige- who can resist her pretty face? Little did we know that the dress would not only fit me perfectly but would be on sale to fit my budget? So Hope fills me in on everything that had been going on in Louisiana, I finally was able to fill her in the details from my pageant, we shared our goals for state, what we need to work on the most, what our competition wardrobe looks like, we dreamed and planned about our mini reunion with our friends which will be on the Bayou, and then I looked up and pulled into my driveway. Thank the Lord for free nights and weekend minutes. I am humbled at the sheer talent, class, beauty, and sincere goodness from the Sweetheart class of 2009. If I could have called every single one of my friends during that drive I certainly would have.

I am so excited to FINALLY meet all of the young women sharing a week together to support one lucky girl who will be our next Miss California 2010. It is hard to believe that time has passed so quickly, but here we are! I am leaving for orientation Friday afternoon, carpooling down with my friend Lindsay Becker, and I am on the edge of my seat waiting to get my line-up order!

Monday, April 12, 2010

My last day as Miss Silicon Valley 2009

Crowning the new Miss Silicon Valley 2010, Sara RisvoldTeam Harvey: Tricia, Ryan, Grandma Vicki, and Mike

Even on a rainy and stormy Sunday afternoon the 32 contestants in the Miss Silicon Valley and Miss Bay Area Pageant brightened the Oak Grove Theater, in San Jose, with their talent, intelligence and beauty.

Congratulations to:
Sara Risvold, Miss Silicon Valley 2010
Lindsay Becker, Miss Bay Area 2010
Lana Brewster, Miss Northwest California 2010

When it rained, it poured. Sunday’s competition was met with storms, dark clouds, and warm hearts. But nothing could stop those 32 beautiful girls from competing at their best. It had been a while since I had seen such furious rain, too! Those poor Southern California girls must think “Glad I don’t live in THIS kind of weather!?!” Thanks, Mother Nature, for giving us such a great weather reputation with that large of a crowd.

What a fabulous group of girls, whom I am very proud to be a part of!
Life is short. Make lots of funny faces.

There is so much chaos in this picture. I love it.

Sister titleholders: Miss Bay Area & Silicon Valley 2009: Sisters at heart and roomies for life.
Taking an extra minute while on stage to say how fantastic these girls are

I made a comment while on stage regarding the contestants. I said that as I was sitting in the audience on Sunday that was the first time I had seen 99% of the talents. While we had all gotten to know each other backstage and had developed a sense of repore this was the first time I realized how much talent I had been surrounded by. I think it is amazing when you meet a group of women, who at first sight, strike you as average, everyday American girls and then BOOM, they bust out with some INCREDIBLE talent that just blows you away. It was a very amazing time to get to see how sincere, kind, gracious, and thoughtful this group was backstage and then see this whole other side to them while they competed on stage. Ultimately, I did not envy that panel of judges that night. They had a tough decision to make.
Summer and I after intermission
Felicia, Miss Santa Clara, and I
Sarah Salazar, Miss Tustin

Watching the Miss Silicon Valley Competition from the 3rd row!

Me, Bob Arnhym, and Summer Loftis