Showing newest 2 of 9 posts from June 2009. Show older posts
Showing newest 2 of 9 posts from June 2009. Show older posts
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Saturday Night Finals and Gala
Bob and the top 5:
And your new Miss California 2009 is...
Being announced into top 5!
Final 5 On-Stage Questions
Obviously excited after top 12 announcements!

One of my favorite pictures: Ryan on top of being camera man, capturing my face when I won top interview!
Coming into the gala with my dad
Walking into the gala

My dad and I
Posing on stage!
Lining up for the court
So many pictures, my cheeks started to hurt!
Posing with one of our judges, Janette Smith, after the show. It was fun meeting her up close and personal!
Well, I am HOME! And sick as can be! It took us what seemed like forever to pack up all of my stuff from my "home" in room 728. I probably will sleep for the next week. Winter hibernation in summer! Well, I was 1st runner up! I WAS SOOO excited and honored to place so high. I know it was a very difficult year and I truly believe that the decision had to have been extremely close. But God’s plan did not include me being Miss California this year. However, as Kristy Cavinder and I stood there looking into each other’s eyes, hands squeezed tightly, I felt a sense of overwhelming tranquility. Because I knew either way, California would luck out because I felt either of us would have represented California well. I was already grateful to be standing in one of those two spots.
During the top 12 announcement, I was called as number 6, and I think I was more nervous to remember which way to go, I almost didn’t have time to be nervous! Season drilled the “magic numbers” into our heads over and over, but when I was walking to center stage, I just blanked for a second so as I was saying thank you, I had to regroup and think logically, “okay, Jenna, where do you go?” Luckily I remembered and I laughed because my FIRST thought was, “Okay, Season, you better be proud!” We were rushed off of stage and I immediately had to lose all modesty because we had helpers assist us in changing, spraying “butt glue”, and putting on jewelry and doing hair and make-up. Kristy Cavinder and I shared a dressing room. We kept laughing and laughing because we were so shocked. It was fun getting ready with her, she is so sweet and sincere and we even had some time to goof off as we waited during intermission and take pictures together! I almost don’t even remember this time because it was such a flash. I happened to be in one of the worst positions (being contestant number 6) I had to race to change into talent and then race to get my swimsuit on and get onto stage. The backstage crew was so helpful and it made the night run much smoother.
When they announced top 5, I was the FIFTH to be called, so I was so shocked still that, again, I didn’t have time to be nervous for my on stage question! I was asked how the recession has affected me personally. I mentioned that as a student who paid for school I have had to prioritize spending in my life and I have sacrificed outings with friends, I never ate out, and basically I only spend money on things I know I absolutely need.
The final results were: 4th runner up: Miss Southland Brittney Henry, 3rd Runner up: Miss City of Orange Noelle Freeman, 2nd Runner Up: Miss Southwest California Megan Lyne, 1st runner up (me) and MISS CALIFORNIA 2009: Kristy Cavinder!!!
Finally, I think this is a great time to announce that I will be going to the National Sweetheart Pageant! I am so excited to be California's Sweetheart Representative. It feels surreal to be part of such an incredible bunch of ladies. Veena Goel, Cheri Gorin, Angel Blue, Elise Horner, Amy Yetasook, Jennifer Lee, Megan Lyne… all girls who I REALLY look up to and I feel so honored to now join them as California’s Sweetheart! So, for those of you who don’t know about the National Sweetheart Pageant, let me tell you a little more about it. The Sweetheart pageant is held in Hoopeston, Illinois (we googled it- population around 6,000!) And it is a pageant for Miss America state pageant runner-ups. The pageant is just like a Miss America pageant, but is not formally affiliated with Miss America. Essentially, it is an extra shot at scholarships and apparently a week to be treated like royalty in such a small town! I have heard from a few of the girls mentioned above that it was one of the best experiences they had ever had. AND there is a parade, just like Miss America does, which hosts each state representative. You know me! Parade?! I’m THERE! I hear there is a sweet corn eatin' contest, too. We are now accepting applications. I was honored that Miss California considered me to go, and I will work so hard to do my best and make California proud.
Thank you EVERYONE who has shown me unconditional love and support all week long. You know who you are so I don't need to name names. You will forever hold a very special spot in my heart and your kindness will never be forgotten.

Before you go on, please note that I took over 1000 pictures this week. I quickly had to go through and pick out a few I liked. I have many more and hopefully I will be able to post them as I get better. I love you all!
Me with Kristy, our new Miss California!
Still in shock I won top interview! With my ED Stephanie
I won top interview! I was so honored!
Going to receive the Top Interview award
My dad, Dave, and Mr. Freeman
Me and the amazing hair stylists
Kristy and I before the show
Okay, not from Saturday, but me and Sarah Rutan at Friday night visitation
Kristy and I in our dressing room during intermission before top 12 evening wear
A picture someone found and E-mailed to me. I really like it, but I have no idea where it came from! Top 5 court
Posing on stage after getting 1st runner up
Beautiful girls. Brittney Henry and Megan Lyne were a part of the court too.
Part of top 12 and our helpers
Few of the top 12: Megan Lyne, Me, Summer, Cori, Kate
Kristy and I outside our dressing room. We had at LEAST 5 minutes to spare. We didn't even know what to do with ourselves!
Cute Alexandra Calingo and I.
Waiting for Saturday night announcements backstage!
Lindsay, me, Mandi, and Constance backstage. What a fun group of girls!
Noell-y and I backstage
My pseudo sister, Lindsay!
Me with Kristy, our new Miss California!

Miss California Day 10: Sunday June 28th
We're going to Sweetheart! Stephanie and I hearing from Bob for the first time we were going to Hoopeston! Illinois, here we come!During the top 12 announcement, I was called as number 6, and I think I was more nervous to remember which way to go, I almost didn’t have time to be nervous! Season drilled the “magic numbers” into our heads over and over, but when I was walking to center stage, I just blanked for a second so as I was saying thank you, I had to regroup and think logically, “okay, Jenna, where do you go?” Luckily I remembered and I laughed because my FIRST thought was, “Okay, Season, you better be proud!” We were rushed off of stage and I immediately had to lose all modesty because we had helpers assist us in changing, spraying “butt glue”, and putting on jewelry and doing hair and make-up. Kristy Cavinder and I shared a dressing room. We kept laughing and laughing because we were so shocked. It was fun getting ready with her, she is so sweet and sincere and we even had some time to goof off as we waited during intermission and take pictures together! I almost don’t even remember this time because it was such a flash. I happened to be in one of the worst positions (being contestant number 6) I had to race to change into talent and then race to get my swimsuit on and get onto stage. The backstage crew was so helpful and it made the night run much smoother.
When they announced top 5, I was the FIFTH to be called, so I was so shocked still that, again, I didn’t have time to be nervous for my on stage question! I was asked how the recession has affected me personally. I mentioned that as a student who paid for school I have had to prioritize spending in my life and I have sacrificed outings with friends, I never ate out, and basically I only spend money on things I know I absolutely need.
The final results were: 4th runner up: Miss Southland Brittney Henry, 3rd Runner up: Miss City of Orange Noelle Freeman, 2nd Runner Up: Miss Southwest California Megan Lyne, 1st runner up (me) and MISS CALIFORNIA 2009: Kristy Cavinder!!!
Finally, I think this is a great time to announce that I will be going to the National Sweetheart Pageant! I am so excited to be California's Sweetheart Representative. It feels surreal to be part of such an incredible bunch of ladies. Veena Goel, Cheri Gorin, Angel Blue, Elise Horner, Amy Yetasook, Jennifer Lee, Megan Lyne… all girls who I REALLY look up to and I feel so honored to now join them as California’s Sweetheart! So, for those of you who don’t know about the National Sweetheart Pageant, let me tell you a little more about it. The Sweetheart pageant is held in Hoopeston, Illinois (we googled it- population around 6,000!) And it is a pageant for Miss America state pageant runner-ups. The pageant is just like a Miss America pageant, but is not formally affiliated with Miss America. Essentially, it is an extra shot at scholarships and apparently a week to be treated like royalty in such a small town! I have heard from a few of the girls mentioned above that it was one of the best experiences they had ever had. AND there is a parade, just like Miss America does, which hosts each state representative. You know me! Parade?! I’m THERE! I hear there is a sweet corn eatin' contest, too. We are now accepting applications. I was honored that Miss California considered me to go, and I will work so hard to do my best and make California proud.
Thank you EVERYONE who has shown me unconditional love and support all week long. You know who you are so I don't need to name names. You will forever hold a very special spot in my heart and your kindness will never be forgotten.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Miss California Day 8- Friday June 26th
I was thinking about keeping my hair exactly as is...

Practicing on the piano

Evening Wear Competition

I am tired, so there is not much time to update everyone! We had to record our talent introductions for the top 12 this morning. I cried because I sound so horrible. I think I realized that as much as I had prayed, my voice would not be joining me that night. I finally threw my hands up and told myself it didn’t matter. The judges heard my real voice on Tuesday so I’m sure they would remember I normally don’t sound like I have been a lifelong smoker! I was the last one to be recorded and I just wanted to get it over with, so while other girls spent a long time huddled in corners scribbling something to say, I walked into the room and started talking and then said, “okay, that works! Thank you!” and walked out.
I opened up my two notes from my ED Stephanie Schutt and my Grandma Vicki. Each gave me a note for every day I have been at the competition and they really lifted my spirits today. I appreciated them every day, but especially today because I have been feeling kind of down- mostly because I am not feeling well!
I was very proud of myself for on stage question. I was asked what I was most looking forward to on President Obama’s agenda. I said (something along the lines of) I was looking forward to universal healthcare, but first I had some questions I wanted him to answer before he had my full support, including how he will screen for doctor quality, and also how he plans to protect patient confidentiality. I said once my questions were answered I could support him and we could be on our way to a proactive system. I had some claps from the audience, too. As a pre-med student I had SOOOO many other things to say about Universal Healthcare, but as any contestant could agree it is nerve wracking to stand in front of such a large crowd, knowing you are being graded and judged, and trying to say something intelligent! I kept telling myself, breathe, smile, speak. All in all, I was satisfied with my answer. I think we all come off and say, “I wish I would have said…” or “I wished I would have added…”, but I did what I did, and I was SO relieved that the competition was OVER!
At the visitation after, Bob distributed several awards, including my rookie ED, Stephanie Schutt, and two other rookie ED’s who also happen to hold a VERY special spot in my heart, Rachelle King (Gavilan Hills) and Laura Johnson (San Jose). We also received some devastating news. Jane Maxwell, who I had gotten to know very well through Miss Sacramento, had passed away earlier that day. There are no words of consolation any of us can offer to April Smith and the Sacramento committee, but I hope they know my heart goes out to them and they are in my heart and prayers during this very difficult time. I had to fight back tears because I can personally attest that I was fortunate to have been blessed with Jane’s incredible and amazing personality and experience part of her commitment and dedication to the Miss California Organization. It is women who truly believe in this organization that keep us running and she will forever be a part of our memories.
Of course, and congrats to Friday nights preliminary winners, Megan Lyne for talent (double prelim winner, you go girl!) and Kristy Cavinder for evening wear! Hey, at least I got to go BEFORE Kristy in evening gown, she is stunningly beautiful. Summer really worked her talent, too. I was such a proud roommate. I ran down from the backstage dressing room to watch her flirt with the audience in her sassy jazz ballet en point. I am looking forward to tomorrow and seeing what the judges have in store for us! Wonderful job ladies!!!
Practicing on the piano

Evening Wear Competition

I opened up my two notes from my ED Stephanie Schutt and my Grandma Vicki. Each gave me a note for every day I have been at the competition and they really lifted my spirits today. I appreciated them every day, but especially today because I have been feeling kind of down- mostly because I am not feeling well!
I was very proud of myself for on stage question. I was asked what I was most looking forward to on President Obama’s agenda. I said (something along the lines of) I was looking forward to universal healthcare, but first I had some questions I wanted him to answer before he had my full support, including how he will screen for doctor quality, and also how he plans to protect patient confidentiality. I said once my questions were answered I could support him and we could be on our way to a proactive system. I had some claps from the audience, too. As a pre-med student I had SOOOO many other things to say about Universal Healthcare, but as any contestant could agree it is nerve wracking to stand in front of such a large crowd, knowing you are being graded and judged, and trying to say something intelligent! I kept telling myself, breathe, smile, speak. All in all, I was satisfied with my answer. I think we all come off and say, “I wish I would have said…” or “I wished I would have added…”, but I did what I did, and I was SO relieved that the competition was OVER!
At the visitation after, Bob distributed several awards, including my rookie ED, Stephanie Schutt, and two other rookie ED’s who also happen to hold a VERY special spot in my heart, Rachelle King (Gavilan Hills) and Laura Johnson (San Jose). We also received some devastating news. Jane Maxwell, who I had gotten to know very well through Miss Sacramento, had passed away earlier that day. There are no words of consolation any of us can offer to April Smith and the Sacramento committee, but I hope they know my heart goes out to them and they are in my heart and prayers during this very difficult time. I had to fight back tears because I can personally attest that I was fortunate to have been blessed with Jane’s incredible and amazing personality and experience part of her commitment and dedication to the Miss California Organization. It is women who truly believe in this organization that keep us running and she will forever be a part of our memories.
Of course, and congrats to Friday nights preliminary winners, Megan Lyne for talent (double prelim winner, you go girl!) and Kristy Cavinder for evening wear! Hey, at least I got to go BEFORE Kristy in evening gown, she is stunningly beautiful. Summer really worked her talent, too. I was such a proud roommate. I ran down from the backstage dressing room to watch her flirt with the audience in her sassy jazz ballet en point. I am looking forward to tomorrow and seeing what the judges have in store for us! Wonderful job ladies!!!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Miss California Day 7- Thursday June 25th
John Cosby and I at the visitation
After I won Preliminary Talent
Piano picture 1-
Piano picture 2-
I was obviously SO excited! I think I am most proud of this award!
Part of my fan club: Woods cheering on Team Harvey
Ernie Koneck, Executive Director of Miss Hollywood/ President of PPA and I
Me and Melissa Chatty Miss California 2007
Incredible Mary McCaman and I at visitation. If you like anything I am wearing, it is ALL from Mary's closet!
My pageant mom... my wonderful boyfriend of almost 7 years Ryan and I
Me and amazing Joyce, my "ex" ED! Beautiful inside and out. She always cheers me on!
Stephanie and I sharing a special moment to celebrate my Preliminary Talent Award!
Coming in with food, naturally.

I had my talent tonight, and I WON PRELIMINARY TALENT! I cried, actually cried, when they called me. I have never been so shocked. Never, ever, ever. I know how hard I worked, but really? Me?? With SOOO many phenomenal talents?! Wow. I am floored, humbled, honored, ecstatic, and more excited than I have EVER been. In my opinion, I could go home tonight happy and content with no other awards. Stephanie, my ED, was sooooo worth it above anything else! She literally jumped from her seat possibly a few feet into the air and was jumping up and down. I felt a sense of pride because I have wanted to make her proud since day 1. Of course I want to do well for myself, but she has done so much for Summer, Brittany, and me that she deserves some kind of reward! Almost my whole family was there too. It was so fun to look out and see my family holding my signs just hollering with joy. It was possibly one of the best moments I have ever experienced in my life. I have no voice- not exaggerating either- no voice whatsoever. So when I went to the center of the stage I let out a little squeal of a thank you to the judges and then I shut my mouth because I didn’t want them to hear my voice like that! I need to save it so I have it tomorrow for on stage question! My roommate Summer had swimsuit and she looked incredible. She has worked so hard and it really showed off! She is a beautiful person inside and out and we have had a lot of fun together so far. As I sit here writing this I realize how fortunate I am to be surrounded by so many fantastic and loving people!
I wanted to congratulate our other Preliminary Winner, Kate Brewster, who won Top Evening Wear. What a sweet, humble, and genuinely nice girl. I was honored to share the experience with her! So, again, Congrats Kate!

I had my talent tonight, and I WON PRELIMINARY TALENT! I cried, actually cried, when they called me. I have never been so shocked. Never, ever, ever. I know how hard I worked, but really? Me?? With SOOO many phenomenal talents?! Wow. I am floored, humbled, honored, ecstatic, and more excited than I have EVER been. In my opinion, I could go home tonight happy and content with no other awards. Stephanie, my ED, was sooooo worth it above anything else! She literally jumped from her seat possibly a few feet into the air and was jumping up and down. I felt a sense of pride because I have wanted to make her proud since day 1. Of course I want to do well for myself, but she has done so much for Summer, Brittany, and me that she deserves some kind of reward! Almost my whole family was there too. It was so fun to look out and see my family holding my signs just hollering with joy. It was possibly one of the best moments I have ever experienced in my life. I have no voice- not exaggerating either- no voice whatsoever. So when I went to the center of the stage I let out a little squeal of a thank you to the judges and then I shut my mouth because I didn’t want them to hear my voice like that! I need to save it so I have it tomorrow for on stage question! My roommate Summer had swimsuit and she looked incredible. She has worked so hard and it really showed off! She is a beautiful person inside and out and we have had a lot of fun together so far. As I sit here writing this I realize how fortunate I am to be surrounded by so many fantastic and loving people!
I wanted to congratulate our other Preliminary Winner, Kate Brewster, who won Top Evening Wear. What a sweet, humble, and genuinely nice girl. I was honored to share the experience with her! So, again, Congrats Kate!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Miss California Day 6- Wednesday June 24th
Opening Number: I'm in the 2nd rown, 3rd from the right- Hair-o-graphy and all

Tonight I had swimsuit… the easiest of all competition! It was such a fun day, mostly rehearsal, but we had SO much time to get ready. Season said we are a “smart” group because we all have our routines down well. So she was in a generous mood and let us out early! I was so thrilled. I took some time to take a nap. Because I am full-blown sick now. I feel so tired and lethargic. I don’t even want to move! My family knows me, though; I rarely get sick, but when I do, I fall HARD!
The words of our opening number:
“There's only two types of people in the world
The ones that entertain, and the ones that observe
Well baby, I'm a put-on-a-show kinda girl
Don't like the backseat
Gotta be first
I'm like the ringleader, I call the shots (Call the shots)
I'm like a firecracker, I make it hot
When I put on a show...
I feel the adrenaline moving through my veins
Spotlight on me and I'm ready to break
I'm like a performer, the dancefloor is my stage
Better be ready, hope that you feel the same”
This song really gets us pumped up before the show! We have a great spirit backstage with all the girls. We laugh and cheer each other on. It really is like a sisterhood. I practiced my talent a little and I’m off to bed now!
After the show, we all went back to the Radisson Hotel where our family was waiting for us. Each girl gets her own “table” and your committee or family decorates them. It was so fun to see my table. My theme was “Queen of the Jungle!” Everyone who worked on it did a fabulous job. Even Laura, Miss San Jose’s ED pitched in her efforts, too! I had the BEST table of all 55 girls. But, then again, I am a little biased. I feel so loved and so blessed with so much support, I feel like I am beaming so bright NASA might see me from space.
Also, before I head out, a VERY special congratulations to our wonderful preliminary winners from tonight! Brittney Henry won talent with her adorable rendition of “Orange Blossom Special” on the fiddle- what a littler performer this girl is! And Megan Lyne, who looked stunning in a white gown for evening wear. Both very deserving young women! Also, again maybe I am biased but my roomie Summer did wonderful, too, and she must have been a close 2nd! ;)
Stephanie and "her girls": Brittany, me, and Summer
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Miss California Day 5- Tuesday June 23rd

I had my interview this morning and I am VERY pleased with it! I hate it when girls come back and gloat about how wonderful their interview went, so I just said I was very happy with myself when I came back. The judges were SO nice and personable. I felt like this was the best panel (as a whole) I have ever interviewed with. They were engaged in my conversation, and were asking follow up questions after I spoke, and “piggy-backing” off of each other (as they call it) which means they would elaborate on a question another judge asked. But they all were so knowledgeable about so many things, and you would think I would have been nervous, especially standing in front of Patty Northrup, who as my family knows, I am a HUGE fan of, and even Tiffany Stoker Madsen who is stunningly just gorgeous.
I worked REALLY hard to prepare myself for today, so I am pleased with my result. Mock interviews, searching and late at night because I don’t have TV, current event “discussions” with friends and family, and pages and pages of notes that I have written down of interesting thoughts, concepts, events… it all added up to today and I am pleased with myself that this was not something I crammed for the night before. I can say I am proud because I did this- for me. Oh, and I should mention I am sick. A cold. Of course. My nose has been so runny all day. I think I am most irritated because I have done EVERYTHING right this year! I have gotten plenty of sleep, I have drank lots of water, I have been on a multivitamin, I have eaten healthy… yet I still got a cold. I think it is more due to the fact I am around so many girls- and a few of them are sick, too. We just have to make the best of it! Today was just rehearsal, lunch, rehearsal, dinner, rehearsal, bed. And that is where I am headed! But, first, while most girls are probably going to go to bed, I am going to practice my talent a few times and maybe do some scales and arpeggios to keep my fingers loose, and THEN practice the opening production in front of a mirror. YES, while other girls are sleeping, I will be in the bathroom making sure I don’t mess up tomorrow night. Girls can laugh at me all they want- I am doing this, no matter how long it takes me and how I have to get there. At least I get an A for effort.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Miss California Day 4- Monday June 22nd

I don’t have much time to talk about today (no, actually I don’t have enough energy), so here is a quick briefing:
We went to a Rotary Lunch in downtown Fresno, and when we got off the bus we walked across a street that had just been paved, and all of our heels sunk into the new asphalt! It looked like deer crossing! It was hilarious; it was like 55 “heel” signatures. I found out later that the bottom of my shoe actually got stuck in it and they were my swimwear production shoes, so I will have to get them fixed! Bummer! Girls started their interviews today. This is the worst time for me personally, because I know everyone is curious as to what was asked, but I am really following Stephanie’s advice and I am trying to just keep to myself and stay focused. When girls start saying which questions they asked them, I start losing focus and I start to worry about those specific items, so I am listening to my I-pod a lot! I hear the judges are very warm and welcoming, so hopefully they stay that way for us tomorrow! I have swimsuit first, which I am very happy about! Now, I just need to get through my interview tomorrow and then the week will REALLY go fast!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Miss CA Day 3
It’s FATHER’S DAY! We were all happy to spend the day with our pseudo father, Bob, since we couldn’t be with our own families. He’s a great substitute! The hostesses were nice enough to let us call family, or whoever we needed to for father’s day. Cell phones are banned from the theater, so naturally everyone had one on them to make a surprise cell phone allowance announcement. Typical of every year! Okay, so I am slightly kidding, but at least people brought one and kept them off in the dressing rooms so we could make a quick call to let the special people in our lives know we were thinking of them!
We were scheduled for a cocktail party at the Rotary club for heavy hors d'oeuvre and drinks. We ended up having a dance party and it was so much fun letting loose to Grease, Aretha Franklin, Michael Jackson, and other great classics! The Rotarians looked like they were having a good time, too. I think one of the best parts of coming to Miss California is getting to know the girls. I love meeting someone face to face and listening to her talk about her life, family, and dreams. It is so easy to pass jugements off of a picture and profile update on Miss California, and then when I meet these young ladies I am continually blown away by how talented, sincere, kind, and funny they are! I have particularly taken a liking to a few new girls (in addition to my old friends) who I’m sure they know who they are. I think the most memorable moments are ironically those seemingly insignificant moments of laughter, worry, and stories around a meal when you realize you have something in common with another girl. That “me too!” phrase makes you realize you are not alone and there really are other girls in this world that want to make a difference and care about our society. God works in wonderfully mysterious ways! I sat with some wonderful girls at my table. I got to know Cori Coleman and Noelle Freeman better and this was one of the first times I really had a one on one conversation with them. Hannah Shaw sat with us, too, and she kept us entertained with her spunky personality. The story of how she met her fiancĂ© was so hysterical. You have to ask her about it if you ever meet her! I just remember sitting there looking around thinking, gosh these girls are so pretty and so nice! What a combination!
After the cocktail party we were… (of course)… BACK TO REHEARSAL! Luckily, somehow I think He heard my prayers and the “white” group basically watched the other two groups of girls rehearse and stage the upcoming show. Season, our producer, is amazing. We work with her and our two production assistants, Andiee and Rochelle. I am a horrible choreographed dancer, so I really had to pay extra attention to the steps. It’s not that I am a “bad” dancer, I am an excellent wedding dancer and Friday night dancer, but not a “5,6,7,8 hip, hip, hands” kind of dancer. I just forget the moves! By the time I remember what comes next, I’ve already missed it! I just have to practice a little extra, and there are a few girls who have been great about helping me. Miss Oakland, Sophia Andrade, and Miss City of Orange, Noelle Freeman, and Miss Sonoma County, Kim Stout, have been so gracious and sweet about helping me. I even recorded the production number so I could practice on my own! I felt so silly! But I would rather feel silly now than look like a fool on stage!
The hostesses committee has been magnificent as well. They make sure we are WELL fed and well rested too. They are constantly reminding us to take care of ourselves, and offering their ears and support. As you all know, I LOVE hugs, so when my family is in short supply, they are quick to give me a world class hug and really mean it! Wonderful, selfless, generous people. I hope I am as altruistic and loving as they are when I grow up. More people should aspire to be like our volunteers here in California. I am exhausted, so I am going to sleep! Until next time!
All my love, Jenna

Saturday, June 20, 2009
Miss Cali Day 2
My beautiful roommate, Summer (Miss Bay Area), came in today! I was so excited to see her and her amazing mother Tami in my room. I could give her a real hug and seeing all of her stuff around the room was a reminder that this really was happening! Summer shares my faith in God and love for all people, which I think is very important to have in a roommate. I really was here and Miss California was starting. All the hard work I had dedicated myself to was about to pay off. Those hours spent in my pseudo gym/ garage training with the most intense personal trainer a girl could have (a real life personal trainer who happens to be my boyfriend), meal plans we sat down weeks in advance to incorporate enough protein, fiber, carbs, and fat to keep me healthy, talent run through’s and me pretending to be liberace, all those online news updates (I don’t have TV so I had to search extra hard to keep myself informed), trips to Santa Clara for wardrobe fittings in Mary McCaman’s AMAZING closet, and mental preparation for my interview through mock interviews in Santa Clara with my committee… well there I was. No time to run back now. It wasn’t the time to cram like I was study for a chemistry final (*not that I would EVER do that…) or start dieting. Bob mentioned today, “if you haven’t done these things yet, I hate to say it, but you missed the train.” In a way I kind of smiled inside because I knew I sat there the most prepared I had ever been. I didn’t miss the train this year. In fact, I was partying up front with the conductor!
My ED Stephanie Schutt gave me this huge cute pink bag that had my name on it, and inside are gifts and cards for each and every day. I am so excited to open a note and gift every day. She is so supportive and amazing. I am simply so blessed and grateful to have her. She has encouraged me to really believe in myself and I think THAT is what makes the biggest difference!
We started out by going to the Fresno City Hall for a Mayor’s Reception and giving the mayor a “gift” from our hometown, or something that represents us. Ironically, the Mayor was not even there, but there were some really interesting people to meet instead. They even gave US each a wonderful goodie bag filled with food, makeup, the coolest cookie I had ever seen, water, a rhinestoned “I Love Fresno” shirt, and tons of other stuff, too! There was not enough space on the bus, so I rode over with Bob Arnhym, Jackie Geist, Summer Loftis, and Kristy Cavinder. We had some good laughs in the backseat. Summer and Kristy can attest to this personally ;) We returned to the Radisson after and Bob had us gather in one of the rooms to give us his annual speech about what to expect during the upcoming week. We received our “pageant bibles” with dates and times. It was kind of comical though because a lot of the information was wrong so at first I was a little confused. This was a great lesson to all of us regarding why we need to stay FLEXIBLE! Our all day rehearsal was rearranged because the theater was not ready for us yet, so we gathered in the hallway and started learning our production number! Oh my, now is the time to say how difficult it was for me as a dancer to learn these darn production numbers. It is kind of embarrassing actually when the dancers pick up on it so fast and I feel left behind! I am not a bad dancer, I just can’t remember the moves! So looks like I have a loooooooong week ahead of me!
After rehearsal we had a little time to go back to our rooms to change to get ready for dinner sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Fresno. Last year, the house we went to was one of the most beautiful houses I had seen, but this house was just as incredible! It had horse stables, a gorgeous gazebo and guest house, tennis courts, a pond, and we sat under a beautiful weeping willow tree. It was one of those nights where everything was just perfect. Our gracious host, Kevin, was so welcoming and the food really was amazing! We were able to snap a HUGE group photo! Over 60 people in it! I’m sure you can imagine how long it takes to get all of us together! It was hilarious!
Anyways, I need to get to bed, but thinking of all of you!

My ED Stephanie Schutt gave me this huge cute pink bag that had my name on it, and inside are gifts and cards for each and every day. I am so excited to open a note and gift every day. She is so supportive and amazing. I am simply so blessed and grateful to have her. She has encouraged me to really believe in myself and I think THAT is what makes the biggest difference!
We started out by going to the Fresno City Hall for a Mayor’s Reception and giving the mayor a “gift” from our hometown, or something that represents us. Ironically, the Mayor was not even there, but there were some really interesting people to meet instead. They even gave US each a wonderful goodie bag filled with food, makeup, the coolest cookie I had ever seen, water, a rhinestoned “I Love Fresno” shirt, and tons of other stuff, too! There was not enough space on the bus, so I rode over with Bob Arnhym, Jackie Geist, Summer Loftis, and Kristy Cavinder. We had some good laughs in the backseat. Summer and Kristy can attest to this personally ;) We returned to the Radisson after and Bob had us gather in one of the rooms to give us his annual speech about what to expect during the upcoming week. We received our “pageant bibles” with dates and times. It was kind of comical though because a lot of the information was wrong so at first I was a little confused. This was a great lesson to all of us regarding why we need to stay FLEXIBLE! Our all day rehearsal was rearranged because the theater was not ready for us yet, so we gathered in the hallway and started learning our production number! Oh my, now is the time to say how difficult it was for me as a dancer to learn these darn production numbers. It is kind of embarrassing actually when the dancers pick up on it so fast and I feel left behind! I am not a bad dancer, I just can’t remember the moves! So looks like I have a loooooooong week ahead of me!
After rehearsal we had a little time to go back to our rooms to change to get ready for dinner sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Fresno. Last year, the house we went to was one of the most beautiful houses I had seen, but this house was just as incredible! It had horse stables, a gorgeous gazebo and guest house, tennis courts, a pond, and we sat under a beautiful weeping willow tree. It was one of those nights where everything was just perfect. Our gracious host, Kevin, was so welcoming and the food really was amazing! We were able to snap a HUGE group photo! Over 60 people in it! I’m sure you can imagine how long it takes to get all of us together! It was hilarious!
Anyways, I need to get to bed, but thinking of all of you!

Friday, June 19, 2009
Miss California Day 1 Friday June 19th
I arrived in Fresno with Miss Napa County, Tiffany Flossman. We had such a blast on the way down. I feel like she is like my long lost twin- only a foot taller than me! ;) She is a pre-med student at UC Davis, too, and has family from Modesto (my hometown) and so many other things about her are just like me! Ryan did such a fantastic job of packing ALL of our stuff into that seemingly tiny Tahoe SUV (after the fact).
As I watched out the window earlier today I had a bittersweet moment. As the yellow grass of the central valley swished by my window I had a flashback to 5 years ago. It was 2004 and I was so sad to be going to Miss California. I was missing 3 graduation parties, a 4th of July bash, and I would be away from my boyfriend. All the things a typical 17 year old worries about! I had NO idea what I was getting myself into. Even though my ED and committee tried to prepare me for what was about to come, I think any contestant can attest to the fact that unless you have lived it, you just don't know. I didn't know anybody in the "pageant world" and I was a little lost and scared. This time, I walked in with my head held high because I knew it would be a great year. I have been that scared 1st timer who felt like I was on the outside for just a moment when we all arrived, so I know what it feels like. But this year, I felt prepared by my own personal standards. I was healthy and I had stuck to a challenging exercise routine, I did NOT diet, just ate stuff in moderation, and had plenty of rest and water. My wonderful ED (Executive Director) Stephanie Schutt made sure all of her girls got on a multi vitamin, which I did, and now that I am jobless and graduated as of a few days ago, I had nothing but sweet, sweet time to pack and rest up! I personally don't believe I have that much of an advantage as a returner over 1st timers because this is just another pageant we all prepare for- just on a slightly larger scale. That's why I always want to make friends with everyone, regardless of their history as a veteran or not, or whether they are "pegged to win or place high". Because there are 2 main reasons I run in this program: scholarship and sisterhood. Some of my best friends have come from the MAO (that's Miss America Organization for short) and I think it is awesome to be able to drive through the state of California and know that you know someone in just about every county. I know that God has a much bigger plan for me than I could ever imagine, so I am leaving my fate into His hands. I thought this year, this moment of driving to Fresno might never come again, but here I was, sweatshirt and pony tail singing to the radio with a brand new good friend on my way to the William Saroyan Theater- take 3.
So, as many of you know piano players have a complete unfair disadvantage. It is at this time I am completely envious of dancers, singers, small instrument musicians, etc. I can't go a week without even practicing my song and ONE run through just doesn't do the trick for me! So, as I discovered last year, I will just bring a piano! Yes, I said bring a piano. Imagine poor Ryan hauling not only my load up to the room, but Tiffany's too + a PIANO. Granted this is a digital piano, but a full size piano nonetheless. We saw Hannah Shaw Miss Sacramento County out front waiting for the bellhop and I said, "we brought our own bellhop we just need a cart!" I found Vas, a man who worked at the Radisson, and schmoozed him to snag us a cart and we were on our way! I felt like I packed SO light, but it still took 2 trips to the car. I think the best investment I made was one of those clear plastic dressers with 3 drawers for extra clothes. That made so much more room in our new "home". I was rooming with Summer Loftis, Miss Bay Area, but she was not coming in until the morning. So I figured this was the perfect time to unload my stuff and rearrange the room to best fit our needs!
It was one of those nights where I felt like I was up the night before the first day of school worrying about, "Will the other kids like me? Will we have fun? What will we do? What will everyone else wear? Am I too dressed up? Not dressed up enough?" I signed on to the internet one last time to try to attach a name to everyone's face. I felt like Cheryl Frasier from Miss Congeniality, studying people I didn't know so I would already know their names! How nerdy am I?! I practiced piano a little- staying away from my talent song- because piano is what relaxes me. And now I am off to sleep after writing this! Keep me in your prayers! Thank you for all of your support and love!
I appreciate everyone's letters and care packages and words of encouragement! This is going to be a great year! I am leaving remembering, "If God is for us, WHO can be against us?".
All my Love,
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