Beautiful Saundra and I after our 4th of July Breakfast 
Greetings from Fresno,Today interviews proceeded in the hotel and I enjoyed yet another luxurious morning waking up at 9 AM. When I realized that breakfast was now over, I rolled out of bed (literally) and threw on my patriotic 4th of July hat and ran downstairs happy to find that Bernie and Patti still had their door open for that last minute nibblers like myself. I snapped a picture under the waterfall with Saundra Combs and then swooped in to their room to enjoy my hard boiled egg, wheat bagel, and fresh fruit among the company of fellow delayed risers. Patti, Bernie, and I went outside to the gorgeous garden and had a mini photo shoot. It was so much fun and I felt so lucky to be a part of such a spunky loving group. Patti said, "put your leg like THIS!" "yeeeaaah!" "OOOooooOoo good, keep that pose!" Then I would put my arm up on my head, and Patti and Bernie would say, "Ooh, now give us some sass, Yeeaa that's the pose! More hip, more hip!" haha I went with it. I was quite jealous of their festive glasses, but my roomie Coreena Coleman got me the coolest get-up for later that I was being patient at when I debuted it, so I didn't feel too bad.
Patti, me, and Bernie outside in the garden after they served a delicious 4th of July All American Breakfast
After breakfast, I went upstairs and as I was passing through the hallway I noticed an incredibly familiar tune.... "catch a greyhound bussss...." Ah, yes, production numbers. How could I not join in on the fun? Ann, Carly, Marisa Santana, Sara Risvold, Lindsay, and I (and then many more who joined) practiced our moves outside Michelle Moser's room. Out comes Michelle with trays of fresh veggies but she had to make it through our line of wide eyed veggie crazed girls. I snagged carrots, snap peas, and an ear of broccholi and turned around with a mouthfull to "rockstar", "guitar", "kick-ball-change", "Beyonce" and spin for the next 20 minutes. Ahhhhh production numbers. And to think... I actually knew it.Lunch was bumped up an hour (I wasn't kidding about the being flexible thing!) and we enjoyed Linda Dash's FAMOUS egg salad and (although not for me) tuna sandwiches. Linda drove all the way from Atwater just to deliver the food for us so we were very, very, very appreciative. Patti walks in to the ballroom where we were scattered across the floor and the tray in her hand caught my eye. Bundt cake squares? Yes, please. I gobbled my much deserved dessert down and went back to my "spot" near the tummy-laying, giggling, happy group of girls. We finally got to hang out with the teens and we loved being able to converse for the first time this week. (They all arrived last night). I looked at the time and realized I should probably get ready for rehearsal and dinner which started in a little over an hour. I had great intentions of blogging during this free time, however, my hot shower was too good to rush through... and then those sleep number beds... I fall into this pillow fairytale of a bed and who wants to get up to get the laptop across the room? Not I said the Hen. (Does anyone remember that book? If you have no idea what I am talking about, never mind. :)
Eating lunch in the ballroom and being goofballs
Rehearsal started at 3 PM and we lined up once again in the lobby of the Radisson to hear our "instructions" for the rest of the day and for tomorrow. You should have seen how great we did in rehearsals- we learned blocking, we ran through the dance numbers, we learned parters and group numbers, and walking patterns... I already feel like I am forgetting information (I plug my ears so no information can escape. "I CAN'T remember this lineup order for this section, as my brain is at capacity already for interview")
We couldn't get too far- we were released from Janet's evening wear rehearsal for dinner, but we had to be back after dinner to run through the opening number with Rob.Eating dinner with (starting with me and going counter clockwise) Coreena Coleman, Briana Verderber, Cassie Cotarelo, Meagan Corbridge, Lindsay Nault, Christyn Richardson, and Teens Vivian Nisinman and Ashley Bennett. 
Dinner was so delicious. I think it was in my top favorite meal of the week and that is funny to me because quite honestly, when I first saw the hamburger, I was not too excited. There was nothing wrong with it, I just didn't think it was going to taste as good as it did for some reason. I proceeded to eat the entire hamburger (it was really large- and that is coming from a hamburger connoisseur) 2 pieces of watermelon (practically a half a watermelon), cantelope, honeydo, pineapple, grapes, strawberries, potato salad, and a green salad. I instantly regretted eating so much when I was through but it was all so worth it at the time.This was our delicious food:
Miss Merced, Briana and I CHOWING down on watermelon
Girls lining up to get their food.
No carbonation for Jenna! It was so hard to keep that willpower! Miss Huntington, Miss Merced, and Miss Southland enjoyed sodas while I stuck with water.
Once we were well fed we were active, lively, and ready to learn! The only problem is that we were so excited we could barely focus! But within five minutes we were back in the game and everyone pulled through and did our production number wonderfully and Rob even let us go a few minutes early.My roomie Coreena crowning me with the coolest, most festive, most awesome 4th of July sequenced crown in the world!
Fireworks and fun!
Me snuggling up with Miss Briarwood, Miss Inglewood, and Miss Fresno
God Bless America, God Bless Miss California, God Bless you.
All my love,Jenna Michelle
Wishing you well, Jenna!!!! You are in my thoughts each and every day, and I have nothing but good vibes being sent your way. The judges will LOVE you, and I know that good things are coming your way!
Carly Claffey