Miss California Finals
It only takes a few seconds. A few seconds for a dream to be lost, a dream to be reached, and another few seconds for me to realize who won. Two of my beautiful friends stood there holding hands. Ruth Stainer's picture came up on the massive Saroyan screens and because I couldn't hear the name called on the sound system over the uproar of cheers, I saw Ruth's picture and then was so elated at the thought of cheering Ruth on at Miss America with my favorite pageant mama, Winny, and my snuggle buddy Monica and the whole gang. But... it was probably about 10 seconds after the announcement when I realized it was Arianna, and I almost fell over. Literally. I would like to start off by congratulating my dear friend Arianna Afsar- our new Miss California 2010. I feel a deeper sense of connection to the Miss America Pageant because Arianna and I had a connection from the very beginning. We spent the weeks preceding the pageant texting back and forth gearing up for our departure and giggly about the fun memories that were to come.
As funny as this may sound to you, I felt like the right girl won. Was I sad I would not be Miss California? Of course I was. But tomorrow was a bright new day. A beautiful day in which I knew held amazing things for me. But was I elated that a great friend was? You bet I was. I cried. I was so happy I actually cried. There was not an ounce of sadness or disappointment in those tears. Monday I figured I could be sad if I needed to be, but today, was cause for celebration. We are all guilty of those “what if” moments- asking mom, or dad, or our boyfriends, “So, WHAT IF I wasn’t here, who is the next prettiest?” or, “What IF I couldn’t win, who do you think would?” you get the idea- well in my own “what if game” I had asked myself the same question, and Arianna certainly was one of my choices for a girl I felt deserved the crown, would cherish the crown, and would make us proud wearing that crown. I was fortunate enough of spending night after night in her hotel room laughing through unreasonable hours of the night with Lana and we got to know her on a personal level not everyone was able to. She was always so positive and uplifting and downright fun- she is exactly who I would hope for in a Miss California “if” I didn’t win. The first night we gathered around our computer to watch the Miss Texas telecast as we each yelled at the computer. During the week after rehearsals we reminisced about our days with Lana over unhealthy snacks, we made up unforgettable impersonations of our favorite moments, we jumped on the beds like excited little girls, and then laughed as we almost fell asleep with our faces in our cereal bowls the next morning instantly regretting not going to sleep earlier, but then did it all over again the next night. We tried to cram in one last p90x Ab Ripper X session poolside the night we got our tans with Sonoma Tanning.
I made some great memories with those girls... we never know when we are making a memory. But it’s the smallest moments that seem to weigh heaviest on my heart. I didn't really know Arianna before orientation. We met once the weekend I was crowned Miss Gavilan Hills and I was immediately drawn to her. It took one simple email exchange before we exchanged phone numbers and discovered we were both "texting fools." We stayed in contact as Miss California drew closer and as soon as I arrived I already felt like I had a wonderful friend. She put me at ease. I had heard wonderful things about Arianna- she was inspirational, genuine, beautiful, loving, incredibly talented, and fun. I saw all of theses things to be true and I fell even more in love with her down to earth personality. Arianna, you are going to go far, far places. You will inspire so many lives during your year and you have already started by inspiring one... You warm my heart and I am so proud to call you a friend.
I made some great memories with those girls... we never know when we are making a memory. But it’s the smallest moments that seem to weigh heaviest on my heart. I didn't really know Arianna before orientation. We met once the weekend I was crowned Miss Gavilan Hills and I was immediately drawn to her. It took one simple email exchange before we exchanged phone numbers and discovered we were both "texting fools." We stayed in contact as Miss California drew closer and as soon as I arrived I already felt like I had a wonderful friend. She put me at ease. I had heard wonderful things about Arianna- she was inspirational, genuine, beautiful, loving, incredibly talented, and fun. I saw all of theses things to be true and I fell even more in love with her down to earth personality. Arianna, you are going to go far, far places. You will inspire so many lives during your year and you have already started by inspiring one... You warm my heart and I am so proud to call you a friend.
It is an interesting feeling making the kinds of connections and friendships we make during this short amount of time. During the course of these last few weeks I have met future bridesmaids, I met lifelong friends, and I met girls who are like my long lost soul mates. For those who criticize what this program brings, I encourage them to take a second glance at what these girls gain through competing. It’s one of those circumstances where you either have to live through this experience to understand how much it changes you or simply take my word.
California has a bright future. Mark my words on that! We LOVE YOU ARIANNA!
Enjoy a few pictures from the week (you have to click on them to make them bigger... tip/hint: if you hold control [ctrl] down while clicking the picture, it will open it in a new tab and then you can "x" out when you are done viewing the picture!)

We had too much fun!
Ventura, San Diego, Covina, Kings, Gavilan (me), Santa Clara, Merced, National Orange Show, Redwood, Blythe
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