It’s FATHER’S DAY! We were all happy to spend the day with our pseudo father, Bob, since we couldn’t be with our own families. He’s a great substitute! The hostesses were nice enough to let us call family, or whoever we needed to for father’s day. Cell phones are banned from the theater, so naturally everyone had one on them to make a surprise cell phone allowance announcement. Typical of every year! Okay, so I am slightly kidding, but at least people brought one and kept them off in the dressing rooms so we could make a quick call to let the special people in our lives know we were thinking of them!
We were scheduled for a cocktail party at the Rotary club for heavy hors d'oeuvre and drinks. We ended up having a dance party and it was so much fun letting loose to Grease, Aretha Franklin, Michael Jackson, and other great classics! The Rotarians looked like they were having a good time, too. I think one of the best parts of coming to Miss California is getting to know the girls. I love meeting someone face to face and listening to her talk about her life, family, and dreams. It is so easy to pass jugements off of a picture and profile update on Miss California, and then when I meet these young ladies I am continually blown away by how talented, sincere, kind, and funny they are! I have particularly taken a liking to a few new girls (in addition to my old friends) who I’m sure they know who they are. I think the most memorable moments are ironically those seemingly insignificant moments of laughter, worry, and stories around a meal when you realize you have something in common with another girl. That “me too!” phrase makes you realize you are not alone and there really are other girls in this world that want to make a difference and care about our society. God works in wonderfully mysterious ways! I sat with some wonderful girls at my table. I got to know Cori Coleman and Noelle Freeman better and this was one of the first times I really had a one on one conversation with them. Hannah Shaw sat with us, too, and she kept us entertained with her spunky personality. The story of how she met her fiancĂ© was so hysterical. You have to ask her about it if you ever meet her! I just remember sitting there looking around thinking, gosh these girls are so pretty and so nice! What a combination!
After the cocktail party we were… (of course)… BACK TO REHEARSAL! Luckily, somehow I think He heard my prayers and the “white” group basically watched the other two groups of girls rehearse and stage the upcoming show. Season, our producer, is amazing. We work with her and our two production assistants, Andiee and Rochelle. I am a horrible choreographed dancer, so I really had to pay extra attention to the steps. It’s not that I am a “bad” dancer, I am an excellent wedding dancer and Friday night dancer, but not a “5,6,7,8 hip, hip, hands” kind of dancer. I just forget the moves! By the time I remember what comes next, I’ve already missed it! I just have to practice a little extra, and there are a few girls who have been great about helping me. Miss Oakland, Sophia Andrade, and Miss City of Orange, Noelle Freeman, and Miss Sonoma County, Kim Stout, have been so gracious and sweet about helping me. I even recorded the production number so I could practice on my own! I felt so silly! But I would rather feel silly now than look like a fool on stage!
The hostesses committee has been magnificent as well. They make sure we are WELL fed and well rested too. They are constantly reminding us to take care of ourselves, and offering their ears and support. As you all know, I LOVE hugs, so when my family is in short supply, they are quick to give me a world class hug and really mean it! Wonderful, selfless, generous people. I hope I am as altruistic and loving as they are when I grow up. More people should aspire to be like our volunteers here in California. I am exhausted, so I am going to sleep! Until next time!
All my love, Jenna

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