I arrived in Fresno with Miss Napa County, Tiffany Flossman. We had such a blast on the way down. I feel like she is like my long lost twin- only a foot taller than me! ;) She is a pre-med student at UC Davis, too, and has family from Modesto (my hometown) and so many other things about her are just like me! Ryan did such a fantastic job of packing ALL of our stuff into that seemingly tiny Tahoe SUV (after the fact).
As I watched out the window earlier today I had a bittersweet moment. As the yellow grass of the central valley swished by my window I had a flashback to 5 years ago. It was 2004 and I was so sad to be going to Miss California. I was missing 3 graduation parties, a 4th of July bash, and I would be away from my boyfriend. All the things a typical 17 year old worries about! I had NO idea what I was getting myself into. Even though my ED and committee tried to prepare me for what was about to come, I think any contestant can attest to the fact that unless you have lived it, you just don't know. I didn't know anybody in the "pageant world" and I was a little lost and scared. This time, I walked in with my head held high because I knew it would be a great year. I have been that scared 1st timer who felt like I was on the outside for just a moment when we all arrived, so I know what it feels like. But this year, I felt prepared by my own personal standards. I was healthy and I had stuck to a challenging exercise routine, I did NOT diet, just ate stuff in moderation, and had plenty of rest and water. My wonderful ED (Executive Director) Stephanie Schutt made sure all of her girls got on a multi vitamin, which I did, and now that I am jobless and graduated as of a few days ago, I had nothing but sweet, sweet time to pack and rest up! I personally don't believe I have that much of an advantage as a returner over 1st timers because this is just another pageant we all prepare for- just on a slightly larger scale. That's why I always want to make friends with everyone, regardless of their history as a veteran or not, or whether they are "pegged to win or place high". Because there are 2 main reasons I run in this program: scholarship and sisterhood. Some of my best friends have come from the MAO (that's Miss America Organization for short) and I think it is awesome to be able to drive through the state of California and know that you know someone in just about every county. I know that God has a much bigger plan for me than I could ever imagine, so I am leaving my fate into His hands. I thought this year, this moment of driving to Fresno might never come again, but here I was, sweatshirt and pony tail singing to the radio with a brand new good friend on my way to the William Saroyan Theater- take 3.
So, as many of you know piano players have a complete unfair disadvantage. It is at this time I am completely envious of dancers, singers, small instrument musicians, etc. I can't go a week without even practicing my song and ONE run through just doesn't do the trick for me! So, as I discovered last year, I will just bring a piano! Yes, I said bring a piano. Imagine poor Ryan hauling not only my load up to the room, but Tiffany's too + a PIANO. Granted this is a digital piano, but a full size piano nonetheless. We saw Hannah Shaw Miss Sacramento County out front waiting for the bellhop and I said, "we brought our own bellhop we just need a cart!" I found Vas, a man who worked at the Radisson, and schmoozed him to snag us a cart and we were on our way! I felt like I packed SO light, but it still took 2 trips to the car. I think the best investment I made was one of those clear plastic dressers with 3 drawers for extra clothes. That made so much more room in our new "home". I was rooming with Summer Loftis, Miss Bay Area, but she was not coming in until the morning. So I figured this was the perfect time to unload my stuff and rearrange the room to best fit our needs!
It was one of those nights where I felt like I was up the night before the first day of school worrying about, "Will the other kids like me? Will we have fun? What will we do? What will everyone else wear? Am I too dressed up? Not dressed up enough?" I signed on to the internet one last time to try to attach a name to everyone's face. I felt like Cheryl Frasier from Miss Congeniality, studying people I didn't know so I would already know their names! How nerdy am I?! I practiced piano a little- staying away from my talent song- because piano is what relaxes me. And now I am off to sleep after writing this! Keep me in your prayers! Thank you for all of your support and love!
I appreciate everyone's letters and care packages and words of encouragement! This is going to be a great year! I am leaving remembering, "If God is for us, WHO can be against us?".
All my Love,
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