I had my talent tonight, and I WON PRELIMINARY TALENT! I cried, actually cried, when they called me. I have never been so shocked. Never, ever, ever. I know how hard I worked, but really? Me?? With SOOO many phenomenal talents?! Wow. I am floored, humbled, honored, ecstatic, and more excited than I have EVER been. In my opinion, I could go home tonight happy and content with no other awards. Stephanie, my ED, was sooooo worth it above anything else! She literally jumped from her seat possibly a few feet into the air and was jumping up and down. I felt a sense of pride because I have wanted to make her proud since day 1. Of course I want to do well for myself, but she has done so much for Summer, Brittany, and me that she deserves some kind of reward! Almost my whole family was there too. It was so fun to look out and see my family holding my signs just hollering with joy. It was possibly one of the best moments I have ever experienced in my life. I have no voice- not exaggerating either- no voice whatsoever. So when I went to the center of the stage I let out a little squeal of a thank you to the judges and then I shut my mouth because I didn’t want them to hear my voice like that! I need to save it so I have it tomorrow for on stage question! My roommate Summer had swimsuit and she looked incredible. She has worked so hard and it really showed off! She is a beautiful person inside and out and we have had a lot of fun together so far. As I sit here writing this I realize how fortunate I am to be surrounded by so many fantastic and loving people!
I wanted to congratulate our other Preliminary Winner, Kate Brewster, who won Top Evening Wear. What a sweet, humble, and genuinely nice girl. I was honored to share the experience with her! So, again, Congrats Kate!
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