I had my interview this morning and I am VERY pleased with it! I hate it when girls come back and gloat about how wonderful their interview went, so I just said I was very happy with myself when I came back. The judges were SO nice and personable. I felt like this was the best panel (as a whole) I have ever interviewed with. They were engaged in my conversation, and were asking follow up questions after I spoke, and “piggy-backing” off of each other (as they call it) which means they would elaborate on a question another judge asked. But they all were so knowledgeable about so many things, and you would think I would have been nervous, especially standing in front of Patty Northrup, who as my family knows, I am a HUGE fan of, and even Tiffany Stoker Madsen who is stunningly just gorgeous.
I worked REALLY hard to prepare myself for today, so I am pleased with my result. Mock interviews, searching CNN.com and FOXnews.com late at night because I don’t have TV, current event “discussions” with friends and family, and pages and pages of notes that I have written down of interesting thoughts, concepts, events… it all added up to today and I am pleased with myself that this was not something I crammed for the night before. I can say I am proud because I did this- for me. Oh, and I should mention I am sick. A cold. Of course. My nose has been so runny all day. I think I am most irritated because I have done EVERYTHING right this year! I have gotten plenty of sleep, I have drank lots of water, I have been on a multivitamin, I have eaten healthy… yet I still got a cold. I think it is more due to the fact I am around so many girls- and a few of them are sick, too. We just have to make the best of it! Today was just rehearsal, lunch, rehearsal, dinner, rehearsal, bed. And that is where I am headed! But, first, while most girls are probably going to go to bed, I am going to practice my talent a few times and maybe do some scales and arpeggios to keep my fingers loose, and THEN practice the opening production in front of a mirror. YES, while other girls are sleeping, I will be in the bathroom making sure I don’t mess up tomorrow night. Girls can laugh at me all they want- I am doing this, no matter how long it takes me and how I have to get there. At least I get an A for effort.
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