Saturday, April 24, 2010

Orientation Day 1

We made it through!....... well, half of the day. And when I woke up this morning, the first thing I thought was Happy Lottery Day! Although my alarm somehow started buzzing way too early (I was certain it owed me at least another hour), and the sun skipped ahead way too fast, and naturally I managed to fall asleep at an unearthly hour... I knew today was going to be a great day. I stumble out of bed with a smile reaching for the light mumbling something about waking up to those still sleeping and sit down in my nice organized corner. I can only stare for a few moments at the work that I'm going to have to find the energy to finish in the next hour. Do I reallllly need to curl my hair? Do I reallllllly need to put make-upon? Do I realllllllly need to get my clothes ready for tonight’s dinner and rehearsal right now? Fortunately, I made wise decisions and answered yes to all of the above. Fast forward an hour to 7:15 AM where I'm greeting old friends, meeting new ones, and stuffing a bran muffin into my mouth before we are herded off to our "Welcome Meeting".

As I've mentioned before Miss California has a NEW system for assigning our line-ups: a lottery! Russ cheerfully holds up the “drawing” bag with numbers to pick from. Before he could blink my hand is digging through all those little folded papers shuffling around trying to find the “magic” number I was hoping for. “GAH!” I heave my arm back to my body- my hand is empty. I grab Lana’s arm and squeeze my eyes closed. “I can’t do it,” I say. Half of me knows that I don’t want that moment to arrive because that means my Miss California experience is that much over already but the other half just wants to draw a "low" number. We have been waiting for this morning to arrive and by collecting one of those lottery numbers means that there is no turning back. Lana is all smiles. Seven. 7 of 56?? Darn it, I should have gone. She gives me the push to pick my fate… “Please don’t be high, please don’t be high…” I feel like I am on Deal or No Deal… trying to find that suitcase with the magic number. Twenty-six. I’m perfectly content with twenty-six. I strategically itemized my 13 options by preference before arriving in Fresno so when my (5 minute maximum) time slot was called I could simply go down the list and cross off the ones that had already been selected.
Happy Day! With Team Solano: Miss Solano, Sarah Portugal and Gabino Lopez the Miss Solano County ED
Bob Arnhym introduced what to expect this weekend, introduced the state staff, and touched up on key changes that we should expect for this year’s show and provided us a very thoughtful explanation of why things are different. Flexibility is one of the principal characteristics needed to succeed in this program, and in life as well, and we get to exercise that first hand this weekend! My cheeks began to hurt from being so happy and excited… I met so many new friends and caught up with old friends as well as volunteers that I haven’t seen in quite some time.

The lottery began at 10 AM and as my top slots abruptly started to fill up, I said, “I have to get out of here, my blood pressure is getting way too high.” I came back when it was my time slot and one of my “top tier” spots was left. Joyce stood with me as we squeezed hands as the few girls before me began to choose their slots. So when they called out, “GAVILAN HILLS?” and “my spot” was still open at full volume I blurted out, “DELTA 3!!!!!” And there my name went up on the Miss California board. Ready or not, here we come.
My winning "lottery" spot: #3 Delta!

For some reason jumping up and down is what seemed appropriate and I just couldn’t stop hugging Joyce. What a great start of a year. Not only do I have the worlds most amazing and talented and gifted Executive Director but things are simply going how I dreamed they should. Joyce and I finalized my wardrobe before I got to orientation (hooray for filling out ALL hostess forms before arriving including my "wardrobe" checklist) and we fortunately are in LOVE with every single outfit of mine. It's so refreshing to know that I have a support system who knows what I like and gives me the confidence and guidance to improve myself.

My smile beamed from ear to ear for the next 30 minutes until my cheekbones started hurting even worse. It was back to reality and the fact that I needed to attend “Issues” with Bob. I headed to Ballroom B where I was greeted by debates of immigration reform, legalizing marijuana, capital punishment, underage drinking, prison reform, University tuition increases, abortion, the health care bill, and other current event stories. I walked out feeling smarter. :) I joined my friends on the patio for a lunch on the perfect sunny afternoon.

From left to right: Arianna, Millie, Sarah, me, Marina, Lana, Lindsay
My "roomies" and I about to bask in the sun while enjoying our lunch
5:00 PM **I’m actually adding this in later (it’s almost dinner time now and I'm relaxing before I change) but here is a little glimpse of what my day was like:

With my favorite Stainer girls! A Ruth and Monica Sandwich. Clearly beaming.
Registration and lottery drawing- 7:15 AM
Breakfast- until 8 AM
Miss California Welcome- 8:00 AM
Lottery line up- 10:00 AM
Hostess Form Check
Paperwork Check
Somewhere in here I snuck into the “Miss CA Merchandise” Room
Talent Check- 11:20 AM
“Issues” forum
“Issues” forum
Audio Recording for top 12 talent- 1:45
Movement/ walking workshop- 2-3 PM
Makeup workshop- 3-4 PM
Issues 4-4:15
Mock interview- 4:22
Issues until 4:45
Dinner 6-7:45
Production Rehearsal 8-10 PM

Movement workshop with Donna
11:45 PM: We had a fabulous dinner at the hotel in the Grand Ballroom where Kristy Cavinder (Miss California) made a short slide show of her sponsors from this year, there was a raffle of evening gowns, and we took a group photo outside on the patio. I am so impressed with our “class of 2010.” Words can’t even describe how much beauty, intelligence, and talent I was surrounded by all day. A girl would walk past me: wow, she’s beautiful. I mean, really stop you in your tracks beautiful. She gives a friendly smile and hello. Well spoken. Articulate. Another girl walks past me and it’s the same story over and over. We have some really interesting talents, too! Aerial acrobatics, fire poi, dances of all kinds (Tahitian, tap, Irish, ballet, gymnastics, jazz…) singers, musicians, (piano, violin, flute, etc) and even a comedic monologue. Our time was cut short at dinner as we had to get ready for production rehearsals. Imagine clearing out 56 camera happy/ I-got-dressed-up-and-I-want-to-document-this girls... there is a 1st warning, then a 2nd, then a "get your butt changed NOW. GO." warning. We learned our evening wear production number and walking pattern tonight.

My AMAZING roommate Cori!
Who will the next Miss California be?
I think by the time we started learning the dance routines at 8 PM (SHARP!), we were all so tired and delirious we had a serious case of “the giggles.” I wish I could capture just a glimpse of the camaraderie among all of the contestants and genuine friendships being formed. Girls were laughing and high-fiving each other and dancing and chatting about everything we did that day. Some were in the corner reminding the others the moves that come next while others talked about school, family, work and their “lives back at home.” Needless to say, everyone indisputably wants to see her fellow contestants succeed and from what I have seen every girl has taken opportunities to help someone else however she can. Our evening wear production is going to be fabulous. I don’t want to ruin the surprise, so you have to come watch Miss CA to find out how remarkable this year’s show is going to be! I will give you a little hint though: the theme is “Broadway.” Think big.

At production rehearsal
Breakfast is at 7:30 AM. We have to be packed and move our stuff out of the room before then, so it is OFF TO BED! Tomorrow we are learning our Opening Production and walking patterns for swimsuit... let's hope I remember everything we learned today! Goodnight and God bless,

My love as always,
Jenna Michelle

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