Sunday, April 25, 2010

Takin Care of Business.... :)

For those who know the feeling of walking into a room full of girls who can know what you are thinking without having to say a word... welcome. This is my order of business: Today felt like one of the longest pageant days I have ever experienced. Yes, I know what I just said and I don't take that lightly either. I don't know if it was the hot weather, or the fact that I went to bed late again, or that I'm combining trying to associate dozens upon dozens of names, titles, talents, and faces while trying to remember the choreography for the production numbers or the fact that I have no voice (true story, I lost my voice completely, if I am blessed enough to be able to showcase it at Miss California; well, all I can say is... enjoy! :-)  
  With Morgan Mulholand and Ebony Taylor during Production Rehearsal
I woke up early this morning. REALLY early. Astonishingly all 4 of us overslept slightly to our buzzing alarms. But I managed to roll out of bed (today was less graceful and I don’t think I could muster up the strength to smile for the first few minutes) and started preparing for the day’s events. Naturally, I got to bed at an atrocious hour thinking of all the excitement to come. In my best British accent I pleasantly wake up Lana “Top o’ tha monang toa yao Lana Baybaay. Would yao like a spot o tae?” We are exceedingly WAY too amused by using British accents so we have been British (Bret-ash) all weekend. For some reason something told me that her tiny little hand with phone still in full grip pressed against her cheek meant she was thinking about getting up before she slipped back into dream land. Breakfast was at 7:15 and we had to be out of our hotel rooms before breakfast. (sigh) It constituted an early morning and a lot of willpower to not continuously hit my chiming snooze button, but once I settled my luggage situation I realized that today was my last chance to talk to everyone and absorb as much advice as possible from the “experts” before I would take my sabbatical until July. Although it was bright and early this morning we met our fabulous co-producer Rob. We learned our 5 minute opening production number in 2 minutes and then repeated it around 72 times and we were released to the Contestant General Session. Kristy Cavinder, Miss California talked about what to expect and suggestions for this year’s competition.   
With Bob Arnhym, the President and CEO of Miss California  
And then it happened. Very nonchalantly Kristy mentions, “take a minute to look around this room and realize that in 2 months one of you in this room will become Miss California.” (It’s actually 68 days but who’s counting?) It all became very real. I smiled from inside out thinking about the situation. It is win win for me. I have 55 other miraculous potentials to choose from- and I can confidently say that I would be proud of any one of them if they were to represent California at Miss America. Kristy acknowledges that each of us is thinking, “Do I have what it takes? Could I do this?” Hmm. How odd. You read my mind. Whether I obtain my goal of becoming or Miss California or not, WOW, I will have another friend who could potentially be our future Miss America.
"Donna's Divas"
After rehearsal we took our Donna’s Divas picture for the program book out on the back patio. “My group” had a poolside lunch in the warm shade. And a special thank you to my ED Joyce for getting me subway! You’re the greatest! But you already know that… :) We enviously watched a few of the adorable princesses splish-splash in the afternoon sun in the pool as their shrills of delight filled the courtyard. I would like to take a moment to provide a VERY special thank you to my AMAZING Executive Director, Joyce Patereau, for loving me, supporting me, and doing everything in her power to make sure I not only have a fun, memorable experience, but for being so selfless and willing to bend over backwards to ensure that I go into this competition at my best. I firmly believe that I am the luckiest girl in the state of California this year to have such a great ED. 
 Donna and one of her "Divas"
  With Tiffany Tam, Felicia Alvarez, and Lana Brewster
It was back to rehearsals after lunch to run through the production number we learned last week (oh wait, was that last night??). Finally, I seemed to come to an understanding of the choreography and before I even knew what was happening our producer said, “Okay, great job! We will see you in July!” Clapping filled the room and I instantly regretted feeling tired. I wasn’t ready! I needed more time to chat and learn about my fellow contestants! Albeit exhausted, I realized how much I really enjoyed the company. I am grateful that I am left with a taste in my mouth to want more.
Our “we survived orientation” picture.
(L-R) Lindsay Becker, Lana Brewster, Sara Risvold, Me, (bottom) Marissa Santana, Felicia Alvarez
(I adore each and every one of these girls beyond imagination)
I walked out with Lana and Lindsay and we were a little taken back by the heat outside (we had been inside the hotel all weekend) It was a bittersweet moment. I wanted to crawl into my nice warm cuddly bed with my feisty kitty waiting for me and get lost in my down comforter and FOX news, but at the same time I didn’t want to let Lana go! I squeezed her over and over and finally departed with a cheerful, “Have a jollay good drive.” Lindsay and I piled into her car and were off to Modesto. 10 minutes later after getting lost, we were off to Modesto again! We laughed and chatted the whole time. I was depressed when my exit came up. I didn’t want to get out of Lindsay’s car. I just wanted to listen to her stories all day- I was so intrigued and caught up in our conversation. I just wanted to go home with her and keep her!
Our failed attempt at eating skittles on the way home. Fresno is hot! Sorry Lindsay! hahahaha!
Memories for a lifetime.
I crawled into bed after a delicious BBQ dinner and I am falling asleep as I type, so until next time! Peace and love,
Jenna Michelle

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