Saturday, September 5, 2009
Friday Night Preliminary
Greetings from 'Huupstun'
We are all so tired by this point and I do not have access to internet that will accommodate updating pictures, so I am sorry I have not been able to update more photos! I am grateful enough to have wireless internet, but it takes about 15 minutes to load my blog every time I update!
First of all, I won a preliminary talent award! It was the most exciting moment ever and was extra special for a few reasons:
1) The look on my "teams" faces:
Stephanie looked like she might faint, Mary laughed and screamed, Ryan and Tricia, my paparazzi's whipped out the camera's to snap my reaction, my mom was screaming her head off, as Lee gleamed with pride, probably thinking, "oh my, what have I got myself into?" and then there were a few more people that I had not expected to be there!
2) I had some big surprises: Bob Arnhym surprised me and showed up to support me (that little devil, I even talked to him the night before and had no idea!) I had not seen him the ENTIRE show and noticed him when we finally came out at the very end of the show about 20 seconds before I won preliminary talent) My first ED's from Miss Stanislaus, Ron and Kay Williams, showed up from Texas (who I noticed after I won the award). I couldn't believe they all came so far to visit me. Truthfully, however, I am actually glad I did not see anyone until AFTER the night was over because I started crying like a baby when I noticed everyone. I am looking forward to seeing the video because I am sure you will be able to watch my jaw DROP in disbelief when I noticed them. I am so blessed and so loved- I cannot say thank you enough. Not only did I have these big surprises, but to recognize how much time, effort, and resources Mary, Stephanie, The Woods, and my mom and Lee poured into this moment humbled me.
3) The talent was so incredible- just incredible. My night began with my good friend, Miss Deleware, who is an incredible vocalist, and I closed the show. It is quite an honor to know that of all these amazing young women, I was awarded the top talent score. It is an honor that I will always be grateful for. I can go home happy!
Please enjoy a few pictures:

Playing with all my heart

Preliminary Talent Winner!
Friday was a very eventful day!
We woke up and had breakfast sponsored by the Hoopeston Lions Club. One thing is for certain: we are not starving around here! We were split up into several groups and we visited various local area grade schools. I was paired with Miss Indiana, Miss Arizona, Miss Ohio, Miss Pennsylvania, Miss Kansas, Miss Florida, Miss Mississippi, Miss New York, Miss New Mexico, Miss Tennessee, Miss Kentucky, and Miss DC.
We had the opportunity to perform our talent, and as soon as I saw a piano, my hand shot up with excitement! I was ready to pounce on any opportunity to perform and practice my talent before preliminaries that evening! Miss NY and Miss PA also performed for the eager audience.
We did a question and answer session after we were done performing, and in all honesty I was asked some extremely difficult questions. (Thanks Kansas for screening them, too! ;)
One student asked me, "How do you make sounds on the piano?" and another student asked me "Why is your song called 'Revolutionary Etude' mean?" Followed with "why do they call it an 'Etude'?"
Now try explaining THAT to a auditorium full of 2nd graders! Great preparation for future interviews!
After the school tours, we went back to the Civic Center to have a full dress rehearsal with the Production Crew, and we had dinner with our host family. Monica had a DELICIOUS meal (too delicious, in fact) of tacos, salad, beans, and lots of vegetables and fruit, of course! I laughed after I ate a HUGE double-decker taco with homemade salsa and chips. It was delicious down to the very last bite!
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