Day 1: AM
I arrived at the Sacramento International airport at 11 PM with plenty of time to get through security and to my gate. To my dismay, my toothpaste was confiscated after a few minutes of unsuccessfully trying to persuade the male agent it was harmless. My argument was that the tube may have larger than 3 oz but there was not actually 3 oz inside. I lost. Luckily, I brought two of everything so I am not completely without- only until I pick up my bags. The Houston airport is quite possibly one of the biggest airports I have ever been in. And luckily, I was conveniently located at opposite end terminals at the extreme end of each. It took multiple escalators, human people movers (at least that’s what I call them!), two train stops and more escalators and long hallways until I finally reached my destination. I am quite groggy at the moment because I had no problem dosing off as soon as the engine started; however, the flight attendant so kindly felt the urge to wake me up by shaking me and firmly exclaiming in my ear, “Ma’am, put your tray table up. MA’AM, put your tray table up!” Needless to say I did not get very good rest the rest of the trip.
I had a memorable moment during my journey across the airport. I was standing at this huge intersection and I had no shame in asking directions multiple times, but the signs were so confusing I found myself at a crossing with no idea which way to turn. I was anxious, my carry-on bags were increasingly becoming heavier, and people kept whizzing past me like I was the only lost one in the world. Just as I was about to admit defeat and sit down for a minute this girl about my age was also standing alone bags in tow at the other side of the walkway staring straight at me from 12 o’clock, and I could just see in her eyes, “Oh, you too? You’re alone and lost?” We gave each other these sympathetic good luck smirks and she walked away the opposite direction. Although we never exchanged words that girl reminded me that there were 40 other girls from all over the United States making a similar journey and I was not alone. This adventure certainly is a growing up experience and teaches me so many aspects of responsibility and self accountability. I am sitting here with 3 hours to spare, so as my ED Stephanie always tells me, “Sleep whenever you can.” Perhaps that is great advice to listen to at this point! I will update more when I can! Good night, or actually good morning!
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